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MoD confirms 3 month eviction notices at RAF Henlow scrapped 

Alistair Strathern





Alistair Strathern, Labour MP for Mid Bedfordshire and candidate for the new Hitchin constituency, has welcomed confirmation from the Ministry of Defence that private renters at RAF Henlow will be given their promised 12 months’ leaving notice, rather than the less than three-month notice to quit that was served.


Mr Strathern’s office has been in contact with multiple residents, including a veteran, who, despite having in writing that a guaranteed 12-month notice to quit would be given, were told to leave within three months.


The effort to give the residents the minimum 12-month notice that was promised to them by the agent included writing to the Defence Minister, James Cartlidge MP, and multiple departments at Central Bedfordshire Council.


This week the Ministry of Defence confirmed to Mr Strathern’s office that the notices to quit had been extended to 12 months. Mr Strathern will continue to work with the affected residents over the coming months.


Although this news has been welcome, there are still questions to be asked to the Ministry of Defence about why it did not provide due care to these notices during an already stressful and financially challenging time for everyone affected.


Commenting Alistair Strathern MP said:


“It was very great to get confirmation from the MoD that the residents in RAF Henlow would get the 12-month guarantee they deserve and not be forced out of their homes in less than three months.


“I am happy to see that the Minister listened to my calls and reversed this short-sighted decision, to give families there some much-needed certainty.


"This is about doing the decent thing and sticking to the promises made to tenants at Henlow Camp, which I'm pleased to see they now have.


“Myself and the rest of the team will continue to work with the affected residents to ensure their rights are maintained.”


Notes for Editors:

RAF Henlow is one of two MoD bases in Alistair Strathern’s constituency.


The Defence Infrastructure Organisation, a part of the Ministry of Defence, lets out surplus service housing to private residents usually via an agent.


Anyone impacted can reach out to Alistair Strathern MP at



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